We have access to instant internet and other extensive manuals illustrating pretty well all available deposit accounts available. If you can confirm to us your requirements, we can usually obtain the very best rates for your personal circumstances.
For many years we have used the Finametrica system for our initial assessment of a client’s risk tolerance. Whilst this system is recognised as a “best in field” we believe that it is the starting point for our discussions concerning your investment management, rather than the definitive answer to set where your money is invested.
Due to the TTFAC, requirements providers will not agree to RBCE events without written proof of any past crystallisation events. This will cause delays and significant additional work when any client wishes to take pension benefits.
During normal investment circumstances there is little concern from clients and advisers alike as to how long an investment transaction might take. Some investors do, however, like to have the option to buy a stock or fund quickly so this note is an effort to explain the options via the Transact trading platform. Investments not on Transact will have different rules subject to the institution or platform which holds the assets.
Over many years we have developed a presentation to illustrate where your total investments are now and what changes you might consider to get your investments more aligned with your risk profile and / or objectives.