Tax Treatment Of Onshore Bonds
Categories: Financial Planning > Investment Planning
We use the Transact onshore bond wrapper where you wish to defer or mitigate higher rates of tax and, in many cases, receive regular income. The flexibility of the Transact wrapper does mean, however, that when considering what cash to hold throughout a year we have to allow for tax as well as charges, income and withdrawals. This note is designed to explain how the tax works.
Tax Efficient Investments
Categories: Investment Planning
Our Approach To Investment Management
Categories: Investment Planning
It is important to understand how your adviser approaches the purchase and management of your investment funds. These notes are designed to explain briefly the Swallow Financial Planning methodology.
Using Trusts In Financial Planning
Categories: Estate Planning
An introduction to attaching trusts to financial products and services.
Life Assurance Types
Categories: Insurance
Life assurance is a protection insurance which pays out an agreed sum should the insured person die. The following notes describe briefly the most common types of life assurance plans now available
Care Costs In Later Life
Categories: Later Life
For most people, their big concern is whether or not they have sufficient assets to support them when they are at their most vulnerable. Generally, this will be when frailty, and/or sickness mean they need care or have to go into residential accommodation. These notes are designed to provide some background about the subject.
Releasing Cash From Your Home
Categories: Later Life > Mortgages And Loans
As a recommended adviser for the Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA) we are frequently asked to advise on home income/equity release plans. These notes are designed to provide some general background information to consider the options in this quite complicated area.
Workplace Pensions & Auto Enrolment
Categories: Pensions
The following is a summary of the current position of the new state workplace pension automatic enrolment pension scheme.
Salary Sacrifice Explained
Categories: Pensions
These notes are our current understanding of the rules that govern the use of salary sacrifice to enhance pension savings.
Self Administered Pension Plans
Categories: Financial Planning > Pensions
For many years the “must have” accoutrement for all business owners was the self administered pension plan. Swallow Financial Planning is authorised to advise on all aspects of pensions including self-administration and final salary scheme transfers.
What Did Merle Know?..
Categories: Financial Planning > Investment Planning
What did Merle Know? – Money Manager and sometime country artist, Merle Hazard knows a thing or two when it comes to economic questions.