Mistley Thorn Retirement Seminar
Are you really sure that you, and your ‘nearest and dearest’, are making the right decisions for a happy financial future?
One of the fundamental areas of concern for us all is ‘have I got enough money to see me out?’. Of equal importance, is the sustainability of an ideal retirement income when considering your other objectives beyond just income planning.
You may want to travel the world, help your children by repaying their mortgage, or just help them get onto the property ladder. You may even want to pay for your grandchildren’s school fees. But do you really know how each decision will impact a) when you can retire and b) how much income you can expect in your later years?
If you, or anyone you know are considering making such a decision, and want to ensure it is the right path to take, please come and see our presentation:
At: The Mistley Thorn in Essex
On: 21st November 2019
From: 10:30am to 12:30pm
In his presentation ‘how long will your money last in retirement?’, our adviser Josh Lamb will showcase how cash flow forecasting plays a crucial part in determining how your retirement goals can be achieved, whether they need to be adjusted or perhaps even embellished to match your financial reality.
In addition to Josh’s talk, there will be a presentation by Aileen Hirst and Robert Ashworth from Thompson Smith and Puxon, an excellent firm of local solicitors. Their talk will cover Wills, Estate Planning and Lasting Powers of Attorney. Representatives from both Swallow Financial Planning and TSP will be available afterwards to discuss your needs.
The Mistley Thorn is a well-known centre of eating excellence. Their renowned tea, coffee and cake will be available in abundance, so we expect this event to be very popular.
The event is free to attend, and places are limited. To reserve your space, please email Josh on josh@swallow.financial.
Whilst our clients are already well-aware of the benefits cash flow forecasting has to offer, we are keen to spread the word, so please do come along and bring a guest! We look forward to seeing you there.