Swallow Financial Planning Contact Update – COVID-19
The actions being taken to contain the current Pandemic are getting ever more draconian. This note is to explain to clients changes to our services during this international crisis.
Staff Levels
To keep the risk of all the staff coming down with the illness at once we will be moving to working from home. This is bound to cause some disruption however we will endeavour to answer emails and calls as quickly as possible. A member of staff will collect mail and post mail so do keep sending back forms etc.
Face To Face Meetings
Unfortunately we have many vulnerable clients which means that we cannot risk face to face meetings at this time. Whilst there may be little or no risk for some, we must mitigate the risk of cross infection for those in high risk groups.
Telephone and Video Calling
Josh and Andrew have Skype and StarLeaf capability at home and at work. Our telephone will remain manned and of course we are all still trying to cope with the mound of emails!
The Ipswich and London numbers will divert as needed. You can contact Josh Lamb or myself on our mobile numbers. We are uncertain how investment institutions will cope with the changes so cannot guarantee turnaround at this time.
We have been using WhatsApp for sometime now, you can contact Andrew via his mobile 07779297421 or Josh on 07557 9120424. We have been looking at WhatsApp for business but at this stage we haven’t had sufficient demand to warrant the cost.
Annual and Investment Reviews
We have had to defer these reviews whilst we complete the tax year end work however we are working on creating a comprehensive asset allocation structure which will maximise returns when the current crisis abates.
These are scary times but pretty much everyone agrees that this is a temporary problem which will pass in the space of months not years. We will continue to monitor the government advice and to provide our clients with the best service (in the circumstances) possible.